

1. 盡享地利:香港位置優越,佔盡地利,是亞洲區首屈一指的商業都會;

2. 自由經濟:自由貿易政策、先進基礎設施與靈活配套,低稅率,無遺產稅,無外匯管制,商機無限;

3. 內地門戶:香港是通往中國內地的門戶,可在一天內由香港往返北京、上海及中國其他主要城市,備受海外企業、內地企業家、企業高管行政人員青睞;

4. 專業支援:香港的專業人才幹勁十足,經驗豐富,能全面配合您的需要,助您達成目標;

5. 法制社會:在“一國兩制”下,香港的法律和政治制度令人充滿信心,香港具有獨立的行政、立法、司法和終審的機關及權利;

6. 廉潔政府:尊重民意,維護民益,清廉高效;• 完善福利:香港醫療和社會福利體制完善,更擁有世界級的醫療設備和醫術人才,居民均得到全面性的醫療及生活保障;

7. 造福後代:香港移民政策下一人移民,全家受惠,給您的子女營造一個更健康的成長環境和成就未來的平台;

8. 世界公民:移居香港7年后,可申請辦理香港護照通行全球無阻礙,享世界公民之便。

Hong Kong Permanent Residence
Advantages of Doing Business in Hong Kong

Strategic Location
1. Strategically located at the heart of Asia - the gateway to Mainland China.
2. Travel to and from Hong Kong to Beijing, Shanghai and other Asian cities can be within one day.

 Ease of Doing Business
1. A company can be opened in one or two week’s time in Hong Kong.
2. No foreign ownership restrictions on Hong Kong company.
3. No restriction on business scope.
4. International transportation hub with excellent business infrastructure facilities.

 Simple and Low Tax System
1. Corporate tax is capped at 16.5% of assessable profits.
2. Salaries tax is a maximum of 15%.
3. Tax is exempted for income not sourced in Hong Kong (offshore income).
4. No capital gains tax, no withholding tax on dividends and interest.
5. No sales tax or VAT in Hong Kong.

Free Trade & Free Market Economy
1. Hong Kong is a free port - driven by principles of free trade and free markets.
2. No restrictions on investments inwards or outwards; no foreign exchange control.
3. Effective from July 2009, Hong Kong banks have been approved to handle directly Renminbi settlement in Hong Kong for cross-border trading with China.
4. Close relationship with Mainland China: under CEPA arrangement, all goods qualified as Hong Kong origin may be exported to the Mainland tariff free.
5. Hong Kong service suppliers are eligible to receive preferential treatment in providing services in the Mainland under CEPA.

Sound Legal Environment
1. Independent legal system which is separate from Mainland China’s, and adopts English common law.
2. Intellectual Property protection is enforced, with strict regulations for patents, copyrights, trademarks and registered designs.

 Clean Governance
1. Politically stable with pro-business governance and free flow of information.
2. Strict anti-corruption regimen - the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) is set up to combat both public and private sector corruption.

 Skilled Work Force
1. Highly trained, well-educated and skilled work-force, well versed with the business culture in the Mainland cities.
2. English is widely spoken language in Hong Kong and majority of the workforce also speak Cantonese and Mandarin (the official language in Mainland China).

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